Life is a school. And... Jihad.
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“I am born. I grow. I hear. I see. I feel. I desire. I experience all sorts of emotions and events in the time I exist on this planet, in a physical body, made of matter coming from the planet itself. I learn a few things. I forget. I learn again. I keep going for a while and, at some point, my journey comes to an end. I die. Did my existence start with my physical birth ? Will my existence end with the death of my physical body and I will be no more ? What am I ? What is the reason for this journey I take ? Where did I come from ? Where am I going ?”.
Each spirit (not soul) incarnates in order to learn, to be tested and evolve. The spiritual being is trying to learn and evolve in a manner similar to the way children learn to speak, to walk, to read and to master some of the knowledge available in the world, in order to function. Perhaps, the most important lesson in life that we need to learn has to do with the various aspects of LOVE. What is LOVE ? What is not LOVE ? Why ? Why not ? We are all trying to find our own answers to this question on a personal level, through our own experiences in life, through trial and error. While learning and passing through life, we also prove how well we are capable of truly loving others throughout our existence in the flesh, here on the Earth plane, the biological portion of it. We had and (hopefully) we will have many teachers and guides to help us on our journey. If we only paid attention. The most accessible teacher, for any individual, is their everyday personal life. We need to understand that our choices, our actions and inactions, our thoughts and emotions affect us and our destiny. There is a never ending war fought in the Multiverse of multiverses and we need to be aware of it because we are participants in this war and it affects us all of the time, every instant of our life (biological and beyond) starting with the instant we were born (or made) as spiritual beings and ending with the (true) death of the said spiritual being.

These are only some of the questions countless individuals have asked and will be asking themselves throughout their existence as mortal biological creatures on this planet and on any other planets or spheres fortunate enough to have (intelligent) life, throughout the known and unknown local universe and Multiverse of multiverses. And the biological life we are aware of, on this planet, is on only one of the planes that can be populated with "life", more or less inteligent. Every planet, solar system, galaxy, local universe and multiverse may have many dimmensions (planes of existence), some more than others. The way we think and feel affects us in ways that are not easily perceived or understood, at least at first. When the physical body regenerates and we get to sleep, the learning continues and it is often intensified. Our spiritual being travels or finds itself into places and situations that are used to improve and accelerate our earthly learning experience; and yes, this is done while our physical body regenerates, sleeps and heals. Yes, we go to school again when we go to sleep. Sometimes we are being shown symbols and metaphors regarding our own personal, intimate and current lesson we are working on (our own current spiritual state of being), symbols and metaphors that we need to remember and decode in order to make use of and benefit from them. Other times, we are bluntly and plainly told “to do this” or “to not do that” , “this is true” or “this is not true” even when we don’t want to hear it or take that kind of advice into consideration, because we want to do the opposite of what we are told. If we are wise enough to write down, date and keep track of these situations and messages from our dreams, we will later realize that they are an amazing tool that helps us evolve, a precious gift of knowledge for our earthly journey and beyond. We are often shown that our immediate agenda will often get us in trouble, hurt us in many different ways, that we get ourselves in trouble through the way we think, feel and act; that it is a good idea to pay attention to our teachers from the beyond and follow their advice, the best that we can. The topics of lucid dreaming, astral travel or astral projection are easily researched throughout the Internet and in certain books, but like anything spiritual or practical, it is also important to do, not only to know. To read about a skill, a sport is not the same thing with practicing that skill or sport. Knowing something intellectually is one thing, applying it into practice, doing it correctly, over and over again is the way we test that knowledge and, perhaps, benefit from it. There are certain known and time tested techniques that bring certain results, if practiced consistently by any individual who intends to gain spiritual insight and guidance on their journey. The way a successful professional sport player has a coach or a team that is hired to train and advise them on how to improve their game and get better results, that same way anyone else has at least one coach available to them in the invisible and spiritual world. The Game of Life is the most important sport in the universe (multi-verse); each and every one of us is (and always has been) involved in playing this sport, whether we are aware of it or not. If you are reading these words, in a biological body or any other, you are currently in the middle of your game. Make the best of it. Learn how to play a better game and do so on your own. There are teachers and coaches available to you. There are couches available to you too, not just coaches. It’s ok to feel tired, it’s ok to fail momentarily. Relax, learn something from your failure and try again tomorrow.

Shiraishi Dojos

The personal and intimate Proof for the existence of a Divine Realm, Life after death (of the physical body), the Proof for the existence of God, Eternity and the Intelligent Universe is accessible to all of us in the dreams we dream when the physical body is asleep. That state of being is similar to the state of being we will be in after we physically die and have no physical body to come back to. Through being lucid or aware when the physical body is asleep and knowing that we are actually dreaming (and not in our body of flesh) we can gain valuable information on how to deal with our day to day life and problems, our evolution as spirits, about our current spiritual state and, perhaps, any other topic that interests us. In time, it will also prove to us, that we are more than our physical body and that there are other realms out there that we can access partially, at least. It takes time and effort to be able to do it, but there are specific and proven techniques through which anybody can do this, to one degree or another. Use the ability to write down the important information you receive and save it somehow, so you can read it later and remember it, if you were to forget it. And you will forget. Often. Forgetfulness is a problem. A huge problem. Most of us don’t even know who we really are, where we come from and where we are going.

Falun Dafa

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones”.
These previously quoted ideas are credited to the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, but some are arguing that he did not write or say such words. Regardless of whether he was one of those who spoke or wrote these ideas or not, their usefulness stands and the logic is sound. Are there any "gods" out there ? Is there Life after death of the physical body ? Is there a "Father God", the source of everything and/or a prime cause ? Are there any goals to our existence in the flesh that go beyond our own immediate needs such as food, water, shelter, refuge, procreation and other basic knowledge required to function in this world as biological beings ? Along with many others, I have reasons to believe that we are more than our physical bodies and we are part of something much larger and important than what we are aware and usually told. I would like to share with you some of the information, techniques and revelations that have helped me on my journey. If you are asking yourself who the author of this document is and you think it is important to know, then you can find my name in the document's html code source. In time, I am hoping to add more to this document and web site. Feel free to come back anytime.

Cristian Laiber

There is an invisible energy and informational war going on all of the time and when I write all of the time, I really do mean all of the time, forever and ever, including right now. Facebook, Google and others are making money from selling your psychological profile, location history and probably private conversations too, at times. Don't ask me how I know. I sometimes hear voices. They sometimes tell me the truth. And their working history and reason to exist should be obvious to anyone. Be bad, I tell you. Be bad and bite back or else they’ll suck up all of your resources (energy) with their vampire games. My message to them is this, a beautiful Romanian song full with... LOVE.

What most of us, the biological bipeds, are not fully aware of is that recent historical events like the torturing and death of Jesus Christ, his apostles and the following Christian persecution and martyrdom, but also more recent events like the Holocaust, the Russian and Chinese Communist genocide, the Chinese occupation of Tibet and the Falun Dafa persecution have a very practical reason: the Jihad (the ongoing energy war taking place on this planet and the Multiverse of multiverses). When you are feeling heart pain, have difficulty satifying your need to breath (when you are not running, exercizing or do some sort of hard physical work), feel inner skull pressure and, perhaps, hearing voices in your brain, you probably are probably being attacked in this way by spiritual entities with or without a biological body, from this planet and, at times, beyond this planet. Don't kid yourself, just because you don't see it (them), it doesn't mean it's not real, especially when you feel it in your own body, sometimes you may even hear some sort of chatter and lies in your... "inner ear" (brain). You can't see the radio waves, but they are real. Nobody should require blind faith of anyone else or give out blank checks signed to others, we should question everything, we should investigate and... I propose an experiment for you. Ask God (the Primordial Father) and the (Primordial) Divine Mother for a "fair trial" against the spiritual entities that have wronged you in the past, you may even use their name, if you know them. You may do the same for your loved ones and others on this planet, maybe even animals and plants (fairies, gnomes), including your departed ("dead") relatives. Pay attention to what you feel in your body and what happens next, including in your dreams, in the astral plane. Write it down and keep track of it. Until this is changed somehow, judging from my experience, at least some of them will attack you for merely asking God for justice. You may ask the angels that choose to work with you for help, feel free to ask the same from those that work with me as well, this may help at times, but... it also depends. We are in the middle of some important battles in the said war and some of them are choosing to stay farther away from you, for various reasons, they may be able to help from their dimmensions, but we all need to learn how to fight our own battles and do so on our own, or within a smaller or larger group. You may also ask to be connected in the fight mode to those that attack you. Even if you lose some of your energy levels at first, in time you will get stronger (in your spiritual body) and be better off.

"Nothing is possible unless one will commands, a will which has to be obeyed by others, beginning at the top and ending only at the very bottom. This is the expression of an authoritarian state – not of a weak, babbling democracy – of an authoritarian state where everyone is proud to obey, because he knows: I will likewise be obeyed when I must take command."-Hitler's Speech at Nuremberg, September 14, 1935.
The reference for the quote is here. If you want to hear a Hitler actor explaining in German on youtube why TV is crap and read the English subtitles, you may do so here.
Karma, as described by S N Lazarev. Everytime you visit the web page at the link immediately above, it will automatically redirect you to one of many quotes taken from the books of the Russian author and healer Sergey Nikolaevich Lazarev and translated into the English language. If you prefer to choose what articles to read by going through a title list, you may do so by clicking [here], appending "map.html" to the address above or clicking the picture on the left. A number of years ago, I read one of his early books in the Romanian language, translated from Russian, quite a few years after it was written. For a long time, I could not find any of his books translated in English, but as of early 2020, I noticed that he had at least two books for sale on Amazon, in the electronic (kindle) format for a very affordable price ( under 7$). On his web site (, he now has an English section with some of his books translated into English. I am in no way affiliated with this writer (or his team) and I am not making any money if you buy one of his books, but you should do so and study it, not just read it. Translation in the Romanian language is available for most of the pages.

The Belsebuub Interviews on Youtube.

The Divine Science course (free): a pdf booklet with the entire course can be downloaded and printed from here.

The searching within course. A free nine week practical course.

How self knowledge is crucial for changing the world we live in.

Being aware in the present moment and seeing within.

Growing in Love and Consciousnes by removing some of the obstacles in the path to them.

By understanding ourselves better, we can learn from life and help others too.

The sleep of consciousness that weighs heavy upon the human race.

Experiencing spiritual realities, rather than only thinking about them.

Magic(k) began to be practiced in politics, sports, business, medicine, the army and espionage. There is almost no field in which esoteric knowledge has no applications. To what extent is this information true, what are the basic principles of their action, how is it applied in everyday life, in alternative therapies? This is the purpose of this paper to discuss, as a concretization of the author's many years of experience, during which he studied Orthodoxy, martial arts, Reiki and the magic of the Romanian people.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke.

Spiritual Dowsing
Dowsing is the ability to connect to one's higher guidance and ask questions and get answers, using a tool such as pendulum, rod or another object. It was used in the past to find the best place to drill for water, oil, ore, lost objects and it can also be used for finding most beneficial choice that one can make and many other parameters about oneself (and possibly others) that can help us in our joourney as spiritual beings.

I found the picture to the left on the Internet, years ago (2019?), and saved it, because I wanted to use pictures of Maria Sharapova for the "Secret" project, because... I believe in Magick and... Hellmann's mayo. I don't know who made it, but I promise it's not me. I was not actively playing war games, on purpose, with the masons and the rest of the world, so, I had no idea what was going on. Someone took their time to make Maria Sharapova look like one of my ex girlfriends (Julie Mae Snyder) that I was able to convince to... give it to me good, all over the USA (including in Snyder, TX, USA) and... she even was willing and able to drive a big truck and trailer, with a learner permit, for many thousands of miles. The longest run we did was probably from Yuma, AZ (USA) to MA (USA), quite a bit of driving and... lots of sex. I am writing this here because... my heart aches for her and... Sharapova. I am low on Hellmann's mayo, but there is a significant possibility that they are both playing war games with me now, the energy war games, with many spiritual beings involved in this war. And... it's significant to what has been going on for ages and ages on this planet. Consider this: that the spiritual entities in the biological bodies can be replaced, at times, many times, before the demise of the said biological body. Also, take a look at this picture I found the same way, on the internet in September 2024, while looking for pictures of Gigi Edgley, the actress that played the Chiana character in the Farscape science fiction TV series. The picture is a hybrid of Gigi Edgley and Alissa Nina Yankevich, a former "friend" of mine. Also, they didn't do it for fun, they did it for "money" and "strategy" for the ongoing war we play, including some sort of attacks involving spiritual entities and direct energy connections to me, them and perhaps others, too. What you should ask yourself is where is Maria Sharapova (the first) and Serena Williams (the first) ?". Are any of them still in those biological bodies or not ?

When you are praying to Jesus, God or any other spiritual entity, which one are you addressing ? If the teachers in your church, temple or school, didn't address this issue with you, what it means and how you can use it practically, I suggest you don't talk to them anymore or at least don't put too much faith in what they are saying and writing. This is just another proof that they take you for a fool and want you to remain a fool. Many want your energy, resources and priviledges for themselves. The Jesus I work with may very well be different than the one(s) others work with, they may have different ages and they probably have different experiences, some Jesus(es) may be incarnated, while the others may not, they may be "sleeping" or active, on this planet, this universe or anywhere else. What if your Jesus or God is a fake ? How would you know the difference between the good, the bad and the evil ones ? What if others take your "good" ones and replace them with the "bad" or "evil" ones and then use them to hurt, manipulate (negatively) and ruin you and others ? On a brighter and more useful side, I would like to point out that the Bible in English has around 24 translations and versions (in circulation in the USA), that you should be aware of what an "interface" is, try to use it practically and... here (or [here]) is a pamphlet with quite a few translations of Psalm 23 into English. I haven't read all of them yet and you should be aware that not all of them are positive entirely, like the one that teaches you that "I shall want nothing" is a good thing. When you are reading or reciting Psalm 23, you may be trying to connect to God (or is it Yahweh?) and when you do it for the first time, you probably are asking for an "interface" from either or both of them. What happens after that ? Do you have the right to order them around ? Should you do that or should you yield to their counsel ?

[This] is an article about a black hole eating a star in the dimmension we occupy, in the local universe, one out of x (5?) in the local (and smallest) multiverse that contains them. And this is how others suck from you too, from viruses, bacterias, fleas, ticks, mosquitos to... various spiritual entities without a biological body that reside in other dimmensions.

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.” [16] The Biblical God is a DEMON. He doesn't want us to know the TRUTH. Anyone can be a DEMON, say and mean something like: "my way or the highway", "you do as I say or... I suck you very much". While circumstances do matter, those that hide the relevant and vital Truth on a global, universal or even larger scale (multiversal) are the wrong gods to obbey. The same goes for any biological being that uses their knowledge, power, position or spiritual entities, to hurt others, to hide valuable information and, therefore, manipulate them into doing and being EVIL.

“It appears our ascended Ancients and the Ori have a slight difference of opinion. See, the Ori seem to think that because they’re ascended, human beings should worship them. All humans.” They may be your teachers, guides and "angels", therefore they are your leaders and may use your energy resources to... "help" you... in more ways than one... especially in the missionary position, not the 69, because you are not allowed to suck... much. And this is why you and I are not getting any juicy resources from Maria Sharapova, the first. The Stargate (Ark of the Truth) movie.

The picture to the left is the proof that yesterday (October 6, 2024) the routes to the (web) server that hosts this page and site was blocked. They blocked it to, but did not block it to and the fixed IP (v4), without NordVPN on. The SSH was blocked as well. The traceroute command with NordVPN on showed this. They're no good either, they can't make any money from your "subscription" and sell your online activity to those willing to pay. Thank you very much, T-Mobile, NordVPN, RoTLD, Cloudfare and RCS-RDS, you fucking traitors !

"The aliens, called the Gua, are hiding amongst us and these experiments, designed to test the human will, are just part of the first wave of their plan to enslave and eliminate the human race. Cade Foster is the only one so far who has escaped the experiment, and he joins forces with a computer hacker and a Gua defector named Joshua to stop the aliens’ second wave."
References: [1], [2], [3].

Karuna Reiki + Fire Reiki + All Love Reiki = Crap
Give us Money, lots of Money ! Terran US Currency, please ! It's for your protection.
This was your promissed Ascenssion, in the New Age forums, in the late 90's. What would happen if the extraterestrials invaded Earth ? Watch this StarCraft2 video and this one to get a better idea. What if they are invading Terra differently and they have done it for millions of years, if not more ? Also, I and others are saying that the 9/11 happenned due to failed US immigration policies. While I was not granted a VISA and allowed to leave Romania in August 2001 with the American woman I had to legally marry, the CIA and the USA government brought known terrorists into USA and trained them to fly Boeing planes. Add to that the fact that the spiritual beings in biological bodies can be replaced (or added to) and you get a serious problem. The alien invasion is way past the first wave and many of you know it very well. Speak up, you Morons ! The Mexicans and Romanian Parasites are not your number one problem. Also, Virginia is for Lovers. And...Lucifer. Fucktards ! Reiki. All LOVE !

Sorana Cîrstea, you need to chase the ball faster than this, if you want to have a chance at winning this game we are playing right now.

On the left is the younger version of the biological vehicle known as Vladimir Putin. What most of the world is not trained to think about is that the Vladimir Putin from back then may not be Vladimir Putin from today and that goes beyond the visible changes in the biological vehicle due to... extra oxidation. Where is the driver of that vehicle now ? Is it still in that "car" ? How many drivers do we have in that "car" now ? Is this how we start world wars and destroy civilizations on unfortunate planets in the Multiverse of multiverses of multiverses of... N multiverses ? The obvious answer is YES, it's one of the ways (some of) the Archons have been doing it and are trying to do it, as I write this, on this frailing planet.

Traian Băsescu was right. It is better to suck from the American firefly, not the Russian firefly. I proved to the world that I was not greedy. For most of my life, I didn't even consider sucking from the Russian firefly (Maria Sharapova). When Alissa Nina Yankevich, one of the American fireflies, refused to give me any juicy resources and went away in her sucking tournments, cutting me off, I decided it was best for me to express my Love for Simona Halep. And I did. In 2016(?), I proposed to her, on Facebook. The Masons, the world and part of the Multiverse know about it, it's all over the News. Unfortunately, the Romanian firefly had other plans and she didn't give me anything, anything at all. Not even a fucking conversation, face to face, biological biped to biological biped. Maria Sharapova didn't hire me and I need a job. MacKenzie Scott, do you have any openings ? How about an extra "personal assistant" ? I am cheap and... I want to be paid under the table. I promise, it doesn't even have to be every week. After I published this text, I noticed immediately that the web page was not loading anymore and received a DNS error, while others were still loading. It was NOT a coincidence. [Here] is the proof.

George Laurențiu Burete and Cristian Laiber, do you shower and have sex with the crucifix on ? Is it helping you win any games ? Maria Sharapova, Sorana Cîrstea and other Christines are not answering to me. I didn't ask my father and I wouldn't have necessarily followed his advice, but I need some magic(k) in my life, again.

Do you know what the picture to the left means ? It means that I was not allowed to install NordVPN on my OpenSUSE Linux system until I added their repository on my install computer. It also means that "nordvpn" program is or can be used as a tool to spy on anyone using their services. Like others, they may even schedule fake security updates for the oppsite reason: to spy on you. The open source programs can be easily modified to do that, if you worked as a programmer for some time, or by using code others write for this purpose. Have Zero Trust in NordVPN, Google, Samsung, LG, your government, Meta (Facebook, Whatsapp), your cell phone and ISP providers. Even your "friends" will hide useful information from you, when they work in those positions, when their job and money are more important to them than the relationship they have with you. Also, NordVPN, this is my notice to you that I am not renewing my "service" and you have to delete my information from your system, including my credit card numbers. It's Friday, October 11, 2024 and I am writing this for more than personal therapy and revange. I do it because I have my personal proof they messed with my computer, servers, passwords, routes, etc.

Leave a message for the webmaster.
Since we were and may still be fighting a series of important battles with many "humans" involved in various corporations and governments world wide, it is important we get to know one another and coordinate our efforts. You can use this form to send me a secure message that may or may not include your name, email address and cell phone number.