Spiritual Dowsing. Using Dowsing to obtain spiritual information.

Dowsing is the manner certain individuals and state institutions have been using to gather real life information about what exists at any given time in the world. It has been used to find the places best suited to drill for water, oil and ore in any given ground area. It has been used to find lost objects and persons, to gather military and scientific information. One quick verifiable reference would be Paul H Smith, a former US government and military employee involved in the American Military Remote Viewing Program, author of the book called “The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn”, a person that used dowsing in his military intelligence gathering work, who also had a two DVD dowsing instructional set for sale at one point. Dowsing is a practical skill that doesn’t require a lot of intellectual study, but does require practice. Any person who has a good accuracy rate with real life and verifiable questions/answers can use a dowsing tool such as a pendulum to find answers to spiritual questions that may not be easily verifiable, but these answers can, nonetheless, help anyone on their spiritual path back to God and a higher divine realm.

Spiritual Dowsing

A dowsing tool such as a pendulum can be used to gather basic data on any individual, but also a possible choice, place or relationship. If measured accurately, this data is useful and even vital to anyone interested in making better choices, advancing in life and on their path back to God.

The Overall Beneficial Energy of a spirit (individual) or phenomena is parameter that can be measured on any chosen scale (unit of measurement), usually on an exponential scale in any base, say "a^x" (a to the power of x), where "a" is a fixed chosen positive number (a constant) and "x" is usually an integer, but can be any real number. One scale that can be used is the one in base e (e=2.71828), but some spiritual entities, on some of their identities (active or not), may have very large numbers on this specific scale. A phenomena or individual with an OBE that is 88% (on the exponential "e" scale) is then over 403 times more beneficial than a phenomena from the same category or individual with an OBE reading of 82% (e to the 88 power divided to e to the 82 power), so it is very important to put a proper amount of effort, intention and attention into measuring correctly. The OBE can be measured for any possible course of action or choice such as marriage, vacation, but also for any object, place, house, job. It can be measured for any type of action, choice and relationship in the present time, but also long term. For an identity belonging to a non incarnated spiritual being, I got (measured) that their OBE number has the same value as their spiritual gold (money) value, the "spiritual gold" being a term used for a kind of energy, a very important one, for any spiritual entity or system, one may see it as "water" in the astral plane, the part that hasn't been integrated in some sort of creation (body) and it's just a pool of energy, at the time. Once a number a and the scale have been chosen, it's important to be aware that the numbers we get (measure) for the a may vary a lot for reasons such as being under attack by spiritual entities, may not have the right to know the numbers belonging to others, you and they may have more than one identity active and they get changed often, whether you want it or not. One good rule is to keep records with what you measure (with time and date) and ask God (the Primordial Father) and the First Divine Mother for a fair trial against those that lie to you, attack you, manipulate and influence you negatively. You may do so for others as well. After you do that, notice the incoming attack and if you feel something (weird, intense, etc) in your biological body, such as the inability to satisfy your need to breath (look for the sighing effect), heart pain (soul level energy attack), pressure in your skull and the desire to curse, scream, fight, argue (the ability to form algoritms and inner light). You may use Falun Dafa, Ninjustu and Tai Chi exercises ti fight back and suck you attackers more than they suck you. Practicing focusing exercises works well for the chatter (voices) aginst the incoming attacks dealing with the ability to for algoritms and self restrain against those trying to make you hit others (dark force/energy), but don't do much when against the attacks dealing with sucking the soul (energy) our and through your heart and biological body. Reiki may help, but it's not reliable, once the energy pool used for it gets used or blocked.

The Inner Light or Light of a spiritual being, individual, scene or place is the amount of light (energy, holy spirit) a specific spirit has incorporated into themselves or are at. These value can be measured into the present (temporary inner light) or to its maximum potential (maximum inner light potential) which is the maximum value that a given spirit may have, for some time, due to various factors.
The soul is the vital life force or energy that is coming from God and is sustaining life. It can be lost, stolen and sold, like anything else. Animals and plants may have souls too.

The (Astral) Age of a spirit is usually in the billion years range for any incarnated spirit on Earth as a human, but some are older than the local universe and then we can't exactly say how old they are, because time is relative and even more so then.

The Personal Karma is the karma that has been paid already by any individual, karma that is coming from their current life and all of their past lives.

The Lineage Karma is the portion of karma that has been paid already by any individual, karma that is left over unpaid from their ancestors and is the price they need to pay for the opportunity to incarnate on Earth. 0...100%. The unpaid lineage karma does not go with the spirit in the spirit world and their future incarnations, only the personal karma follows the spirit, but the unpaid (negative) lineage karma will affect the ones incarnated in that family, including their children, grand children and so forth.

The Forgiven Sins shows what percentage of sins have been forgiven by the Trinity (God). Can be from this life, all lives, personal or lineage. The most important value for any individual or spirit is the personal value, the Forgiven Sins for their current life and all of their previous lives. 0..100%

The Ability to Forgive oneself and others has minimum and maximum values and is said to always be less or at most equal to the value of the Forgiven Sins. Some sick people have low and very low values.

The Faith in God is directly linked and proportional to the emotional intelligence of any individual.

The Divine Protection is how much one is protected by God (Trinity).

The Personal Mission 2 is how much an individual has achieved in their current life from what they were supposed to do in their current life, the percentage of good deeds they have performed from what they are required (planned) to do in their current life.

The Personal Mission 1 is how much an individual has achieved in all of their lives (past and present) from what they were supposed to do in all of their incarnated lives, the percentage of good deeds they have performed from what they were supposed to do in all of their lives, past and present.

ACC - The Holy Trinity’s Accept for any given action, before we act. A percentage under 81% is considered to be a negative action, higher than 81% is considered positive. A percentage of 100% is very beneficial and performing the action is now mandatory.

The Common Sense. Is also related to Respect. Common sense is sound, practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by nearly all people. The everyday understanding of common sense derives from historical philosophical discussion involving several European languages. The Total Minimum Common Sense value gives us a very good idea of the spiritual level one spirit has attained at any given time.

Vanity (ego or self pride) is the opposite of Humbleness and also is the original sin for which Lucifer and all angels under his command have fallen. It has a value from -100% (the ideal) to +72% for incarnated spirits…

The Self Esteem (is not vanity, ego or self pride).

The Vibration is the quality of light or energy one radiates and/or manifests. It is a number without a percentage sign.

BNE-The Beneficial Noesic Entities- guardian angels and specific angels or positive entities that help one; the more and larger they are, the better (smarter, wiser, talented, powerful) one human is or seems. It's like having a council or army unit at your disposal.

MNE -The Maleficent Noesic Entities- it's soul or Noesic substance stolen from animals by witches and various types of negative entities that is used to harm humans and determine diseases in the human body; LCME and CME use this.

LD- The Demons- how many demons one has attached to them, smaller, lower and weakest forms of negative entities, the easiest to defeat, but not so easily in large numbers.

CME- The Conceptual Maleficent Entities- Larger, smarter, older and powerful negative entities.

SCME- The Super Conceptual Maleficent Entities- The largest, smartest, oldest and most powerful negative entities. Large and very large negative entities that are not simple demons, but may even deserve the name "gods", at least some of them. They are very powerful and many are older than the material Universe we inhabit; they are very intelligent and can determine serious and sometimes incurable diseases such as cancer, leukemia, etc; they may go against us every time we want to do good or improve ourselves. They steal our energy and feed off of us, but they also do that out of necessity because they have fallen from the higher realms and don't have access to "food" (positive or useful energy, fuel, soul, spiritual gold). They are the generals, leaders and strategists of lower and smaller negative entities. It's not always obvious one has one or more of these entities attached to them and they are very difficult to defeat.

Bioenergetic Pathogenic Anomalies.
How much (%) does one love (their) life ?
How much (%) does one manifest divine love from their soul level ?
How much (%) does one manifest love from their deep inner self level ?
The ability to sacrifice oneself for others (%).
How much (%) does one love God ?
The pain tolerance (%).
The aggression tolerance (%).
How much (%) has one integrated their yang (masculine) energy ?
How much (%) has one integrated their yin (feminine) energy ?
Health status (%) of the physical body.
Health status (%) of the soul.
Health status (%) of the mind (thinking or mental body).
How much (%) one spirit chooses to do the will of God (The Father, Mother or the Trinity) in their life. It can be measured separately for the Father, the Mother (Holy Spirit) and the Son (Jesus or others).
How much (%) has one awakened their kundalini serpent (deep inner self, true self) ?
How much (%) has one united their deep inner self (kundalini snake) with their consciousness (conscious mind) ?
How much (%) has one united their deep inner self (kundalini snake) with their soul (divine, life force energy given to us at physical birth) ?