Got Cookies ? Got milk ? Are you a retard ?

My websites use cookies to distinguish you from other users of my websites. This helps me to provide you with a good experience when you browse my websites. Other than your IP address, I have access to very little or no information about you, unless you give it to me. Your Government, Internet Service Provider, Google, Facebook, your cell phone (device) manufacturer may have access to more, whether you give your consent or not. The same is true for your gods, angels, demons, etc.

Listen to the Infested Terran

Voting for a person and NOT an issue is how you give away some of your power. And some of them use this argument to... suck you very much. From a distance, vampire style. At times, they also ask and receive resources from the Multiverse because we are their sheep, they are our leaders and need to protect us from... big bad wolves. And ourselves. The problem with this is when they don't do it, don't do it with our best interest in mind and get into all sorts of strategy, mind and vampire games, using their personnel resources from the Multiverse ("angels", "demons", "gods", "archons", etc). When a politician I voted does something bad or evil, I will be in part responsible for it, in this world, in my biological body and beyond. When they do good, some of them will make the argument again that they deserve more resources, more privileges, more positions, leadership and sexual, more, much more than the others should have. This is not Democracy. This is Oligarchy and they tricked us into accepting it. Do your part! Wake up! Stop giving them "votes" and ask for "direct electronic democracy". The more laws are on the books, the easier it is for the ruling class to... give it to us good. They do what they want and only respect the laws made for others when it suits them and is convenient for them.

Fire your law makers ! Roast them really good !

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. For in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.” [16] The Biblical God is a DEMON. He doesn't want us to know the TRUTH. Anyone can be a DEMON, say and mean something like: "my way or the highway", "you do as I say or... I suck you very much". While circumstances do matter, those that hide the relevant and vital Truth on a global, universal or even larger scale (multiversal) are the wrong gods to obbey. The same goes for any biological being that uses their knowledge, power, position or spiritual entities, to hurt others, to hide valuable information and, therefore, manipulate them into doing and being EVIL.

When you get cookies, it probably won't be from Amanda Tapping, it will be from your infested Terrans and your ORI leaders masquerading as your leaders and, at times, as your friends.

Friends and Family
Even your so called friends and family deserve the boot or, at least, the middle finger, when they are lying to you, are making promisses that they don't keep, especially when they do it with the intent to attack you, directly or indirectly, with spiritual entities and, at times, direct energy connections in the fight (suck) mode, as well. They work in large teams, use all kind of "rules", "tricks" and "schemes", including lying, spying, making promises they will be breaking, war by proxies, triggering and baiting, limiting access to relevant information and, probably, much more than these; it is quite difficult and even impossible to not be affected by it, in one way or another. It's the "free masons" and other state and religious organizations, all over the world and the Multiverse. They are, at times, good at pretending to be friends with you, to be even more than decent human beings or spiritual entities, that they want to work with you, to help you, but they will screw you when it pays good for them to do so, in resources and leadership positions, in this plane and others. They did it before, they are doing it now and they will be doing it in the future. This is the true Jihad, or part of it.