Researching the causes of cancer and other very serious diseases, practically, I always reached the same conclusion that the causes are: a strong regret for the past, sadness and distrust of oneself and of the future, dissatisfaction with the present. All in all, a long-term dissatisfaction with one's own destiny practically already means a guaranteed incurable serious illness. I often explain to my patients that we are not allowed to be upset about our fate; fate can be improved and needs to be improved. It is not allowed to be mad on oneself, one has to love and educate themselves. Love, which gives us energy, must not turn into passion, and then into self destruction or killing other people. Love must help us to educate ourselves and others, to grow and be happy.

Sadness comes from refusing to accept the Divine will, opposition to the Divine will, it is a form of sin, it looks like a lack of acceptance of destiny, like a fear of the future, like bad thoughts about the future, like a regret of the past, as a permanent dissatisfaction with the present. Depression, fear, annoyance, dissatisfaction, regret, all these are forms of self destruction. A long and intense sadness passes into the subconscious and becomes a powerful program of aggression against the Divine Will, that is, against God. Everything that happens to us is given to us from Above and has a high human meaning. No situation is against us, but for us. Every situation is good for our soul. Therefore, if we start to have troubles and misfortunes, we do not have the right to be angry with fate. The inconveniences are signs of the problems we have with our souls. Which means we have to bring harmony to the soul. We must not be angry with the world, we must make it better.

It is commonly believed that children depend on their mother until sexual maturity and after that time there will be no connection between them. But in reality, throughout our lives, we have a connection not only with our parents and children, but also with all our relatives. It is not for nothing that such notions as the code of honor or proper education existed in the past. People realized that there was a connection between them, they felt responsible for their family, for all of their relatives and they understood that they should not break the Divine commandments. We have become accustomed to believing that if we are in a bad mood, then this has to do with certain external factors, what has happened in the past or what is happening in the present. But our subconscious mind knows the future and we react to this future without always being aware of it. If we understand the future correctly, if we overcome sadness, annoyance, anger, then we change this future for the better. Subtly, cause and effect often change places.

One of my patients told me an interesting story. She was sad and unhappy with what had been going on for about a month. On top of that, it was clear that her son, who lived in another city, had begun to suffer from bilateral pneumonia. This intensified her depression, especially since the treatment did not help her son, although he had been hospitalized and was given the best medication. Observing her condition, an acquaintance exclaimed: “What is happening to you? You read Lazarev's books! You are very unhappy with your destiny ”... God always gives us exactly what we need. We do not accept the trials given from Above when we put first the well being of our body or spirit. And when we understand that any trial means a purification of the soul, a purification of the Divine Love, then the trial acts for our own good. In the Old Testament it is written that trials offer nothing to the proud man: "Temptations are not a cure for the arrogant, for an evil weed has taken root in his heart." And a proud man is one who puts the interests of his own body, of his own spirit, of his own external "I" above the interests of his Divine "I". In the Bible of the Indians, called the Bhagavad-Gita, the following is said. Man has a supreme "I" that is part of God and an external, lower "I". The supreme "I" is a friend to man when the external “I” is subordinated to it. The supreme "I" becomes an enemy when the superficial "I" begins to rebel and puts itself first. We are not allowed to be angry with fate, because it is given to us by God. Anger at our own destiny is a direct protest against God’s Will. Our destiny has to do with our character; the outer and the deep. When the outer character changes, then our innermost character begins to gradually change too. Then our destiny and health change, both for us and for our children and grandchildren. This woman, my patient, struggled to overcome her sadness. Her son called her two days later and informed her that he was being discharged from the hospital, as the bilateral pneumonia suddenly disappeared inexplicably and the diagnosis was not confirmed. Our innermost feelings are paramount to our health and destiny. For innermost feelings have to do with the soul that has its origin in the Creator.

S N Lazarev
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