When we think about the future, we can influence it. But we cannot influence the past. In the past, there is no human will, there is only the Divine will. The aggression against the past, regretting the past, is, in fact, an aggression against the Divine will, which quickly turns into a program of self destruction: the graying, balding, premature aging and disease. The disease in our souls pushes us to regret the past, to self destruction. Try to turn destruction into creativity. By changing our attitude toward the past, we change the past and also the future. If you see in any disease an impulse to love God and to get closer to God, you will not kill your future children, but you will save them and develop them. Every situation leads to God, and this means that the most absurd, the most unjust and the most terrible situation must elevate us to love, to true love, because, according to the Divine logic, this given situation is deeply justified. Through this pain, God gives you a huge amount of energy that you can use destructively, unconsciously killing your children and self destructing, but you can also use it for salvation and creativity. The more often the disease is repeated, the more often you can ascend to God, detaching yourself from all that you have hitherto depended on. The choice is yours.

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