In order to feel the Divine, it is necessary to renounce the Spiritual and the Material. But all that is great in this life is obtained through hard work. We come closer to God through love that is not dependent on anything (unconditional love) and through pain (human disruption). The one who does not wish to accept the pain, cannot go through a stressful situation; then they try to perceive the Divine through alcohol and narcotics. It may then seem that the pain has faded, but the pain returns with a double force. In the Caucasus there is a saying: "You must drink wine, but the wine must not drink you." A serious addiction is born when one tries to use alcohol and narcotics to improve their mood. And suddenly, the degradation of said person begins to manifest itself. I wish to emphasize this once more: the Divine reality is not revealed to us through alcoholic and narcotic euphoria.

S N Lazarev-Surviving Guide. (book number nine)
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