Any situation can be radically changed, not by external actions, but by internal transformation. [...]

Every event taking place within our life is the mirror image of our own soul. Every pleasant or painful situation must provoke an explosion of love and energy. We must not kill pleasure by offense, fear or condemnation. In distress there is the possibility of development. And development is always a combination of two diametrically opposed elements: pain and pleasure. Pain will always be next to pleasure. The unpleasant situation is given by God. You have to love it, change it and educate it. [...]

Getting closer to God improves one's health and destiny. And this means changing their character. If they do not have an inner dissatisfaction, a dissatisfaction with their fate, if they do not have a tendency towards fear, sadness, judgment, then the changes of character happen more easily. One often tries to change themselves for a year, two, three years, but with no spectacular results. And then, suddenly, they become a different person. They don't even understand that they are already a different person. But for this to happen, one must have the intention and certainty that they can change.

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