The subconscious [mind] is a field, and at the field level, we all are united with the Universe. Because of this, our inner state and inner processes are virtually identical to the external processes that take place around us. So, if someone severely lacks harmony innerly, then events will happen to them without harmony. This means that if we want to influence the events taking place in our life, we first need to change innerly. It's important to know that these changes don't happen immediately and a certain period of time must pass for the information to pass from the conscious mind to the subconscious (mind). This change happens when someone is constantly transferring information from consciousness to subconsciousness and does so with positive emotions, understanding that this is very important and necessary, when they feel love (compassion) and the desire to change (innerly). The subconscious mind also opens itself during prayer and then this increases the likelihood of fulfilling desires. As I have already written before, one must know what to want and how to want it.

I once told the story of a woman who prayed to obtain an apartment, without doing anything to get it. She literally prayed and kept asking. Two years later, the woman got the apartment, but in a month or two, her only son died. When we want to obtain something and pray to God, when we passionately want something, our wish may be fulfilled, but if we are not ready for it, then something else will be taken from us by force.

Currently, the movie ′′The Secret′′ is very famous and in it they talk about how to penetrate the subconscious, so that we can achieve success, obtain wealth, fame, anything. Indeed, when we penetrate the subconscious through prayer, incantation, demand or focusing onto something, our wishes may be fulfilled, but if we are not worthy, if we are not prepared, then, I will stress it again, we will be given something, but something else will be taken away from us. For this reason, we must first become worthy of our desires. And the stronger a person is attached to the world, the more dangerous the fulfilment of their desires is.

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