This morning an acquaintance called and asked me:
-What is your opinion on the recent pandemic coronavirus (covid-19), is it truly a product of the military laboratories ? Or is it a virus that genetically mutated on its own randomly ? And why do we have so much agitation in the world these days ?
-You know, I answered, I am not really much of a conspiracy theory believer. Also, any given conspiracy that was or is happening does so because it is allowed to happen by the divine will. Therefore, if we are going to search for those that are responsible for an event taking place, we will never even get close to the truth. We must understand the divine laws in everything that is happening to us and the world. We must see a divine law behind the people and organizers of a given process. What law can be the cause of the coronavirus (covid-19) epidemics ? I can propose a hypothesis based on my own research. I asked myself if the virus genetically mutated and then I found out that indeed has done so on its own. The virus was living very well in certain animals and, at some point, it suddenly mutated genetically. When it made it into the human body, it became dangerous. The question is why did the virus mutate genetically and where could it do so ? Because it is difficult to find the cause for which the virus has mutated inside the animals or in a certain environment, it's much easier to presume that it was created inside a certain laboratory. But let's try to examine the possible causes for why this virus exists. I wrote in my first books that humans themselves create infections and viruses; this sounds weird, but my point of view on this issue is that our own subconscious (mind) creates the diseases for us so that we correct our worldview and behaviour. Our subconscious (mind) knows everything. It has access to information from the past and the future. If we misbehave and we disobey the supreme laws, this can damage our soul, so the subconscious mind ( soul) will act to defend itself. We will have to deal with viruses, various problems and this happens because we need to develop innerly all of the time. I believe that the gene mutation of any virus happens in humans by design. Why and how ? Let's say that in a given society, a certain dangerous situation appears that intensifies the human attachment, intensifies the inner aggressivity and ultimately can lead to human race extinction. This situation must be stopped and, therefore, a virus or a certain disease has to appear that is intentionally blocking the dangerous direction the world is heading to. In other words or putting it into a simple language, we have to have the kind of diseases that are a good fit to our transgressions. Let's think about the syphilis, plague and cholera diseases from past Europe. When did these diseases start ? They started in the Renaissance era when the people started to prosper and, at the same time, to degenerate through sexuality, by acting without restraint, by being attached to food, sex and pleasures. All of these tendencies had to be stopped somehow. Therefore, the travelers coming back from Americas brought with them a new disease: the syphilis. The native Americans that were infected did not have any major problems, but the disease became much more dangerous in Europe. So, the epidemics, cataclysms and other natural disasters are actually correlated with the inner state of certain large groups of people. When I was in China in January 2020, I noticed I had started to have some lung problems. I had some chest pain. It wasn't clear what health problem I had. I was feeling completely healthy, but at the same time, I felt something was wrong with my energy. I even had a skin rash in the general area of the lungs. Judging the situation from an energy point of view, this situation was caused by a strong dissatisfaction against destiny. I started to look deeper into the situation and I understood that I had connected with the field energy of China. Why did this field energy prove to be so unfavorable ? China is an important country in the world and they are trying their best to economically and politically dominate and use the rest of the world. China is a growing economy and military power and their feeling of superiority of being "the chosen people" is starting to manifest itself more and more. This is what we call (foolish) pride or arrogance and is the result of worshiping money, wealth, success and other things. How can the energy of a large group of arrogant people be affected ? They have to lose all of those things and situations that they worship and are attached to. So there is the need for a disease that will humiliate them and their destiny. How does an arrogant person react to the corrections of destiny ? They will not innerly accept the situation, they will get upset and this usually affects the lungs. This means that a disease that affects the lungs will appear. And the more a person is attached to a stable living, the more serious this disease needs to be for them. For a long time I have noticed that among my patients, those who were stern or unrelenting and had a hard time accepting the changes taking place in their lives, they would often have problems with their lungs. And no matter how weird it might seem, the current virus (2020 covid-19) is the actual subconscious attempt of humankind to save its soul from the degenerative tendencies that take people away from faith, compassion and morality. What is the conclusion ? The conclusion is that, now days, society goes forward with the capitalist system. The essence of capitalism is worshiping profits, worshiping Mamona, the head demon of money, wealth, stability and pleasures. Jesus Christ was saying: "You can't worship God and, at the same time, worship Mamona.". This means that in order for people to keep their soul (and, therefore, their future and descendents), it is necessary that their worship of wealth, stability and pleasures must be stopped. And this virus pandemic is only the beginning, the first sign of an event; then the immunity level will go down, because the immunity is the vital inner energy and it goes down when one's inner aggressivity level goes up in their soul and when their attachments grow. The immunity will go down and there will be new epidemics and pandemics coming into the world. In other words, when the largest part of the world will lose their faith in God, and this is happening right now, meaning that we are losing our love, faith and morality, then the inner aggression manifests itself and this, in turn, creates epidemics and cataclysms. Why the cataclysms ? Because our subconscious mind is, in fact, influencing not only our health, but also all the events in our life. What we call subconscious (mind) has a field attribute and all the events that take place in this field are determined by the quality and properties of our subconscious (mind). So, the sins (spiritual errors) that are in one's soul dictate what kind of diseases and problems that person will have. These days, people have finally started to think about the tragedy that is coming and many people are trying to solve one of the most important issues: how to make the government and the governed work together harmoniously. The capitalist system is dying and this is quite clear. The communist system was not able to become a viable system either. How should the world (society) be ? Both of these systems are flawed. The main reason for their imperfection is the fact that both of these systems are purely materialistic: they both base their existence on the idea that life is purely material, that in order to obtain change in society, we must concentrate our attention and efforts on the economy, politics and the means of production. And this is because we got used to the idea that the material objects near and around us have a real power over us and that their material influence will lead to a real and lasting change of the environment. Nobody knows what the soul is. Science, generally speaking, has not decided if the soul exists or not. So, when somebody says we need to start our work from the soul level and everything will be ok, he will not be taken seriously and dismissed as being naive. If we cared about the soul, about certain feelings, then the whole world could indeed change. So, the soul is considered being significantly less important than the material aspects of our existence, but, in reality, it's all the opposite. What we call soul is, in fact, our subconscious and unconscious mind. This subconscious and unconscious mind leads us 96-97% of the time. Why ? Because this part of us has access to information from the past and the future. It has access to much more information than our conscious mind. This why we are driven by our innermost feelings. Therefore, if our innermost feelings are not positive ones, if they push us to having an incorrect worldview that does not coincide with the real, profound and correct model, then we will start having very many problems. To save humanity and assure its survival, we must first solve the issues from our subconscious and unconscious mind that determine our behaviour, our thoughts, ideas and worldview. If these are deformed, we will also be led by an incorrect world model and then no material, economic or political model can ever save us. We like to think that we are smart and wise, that we are the owners and masters of the world; the conscious mind thinks it leads everything, but in reality, it is only 2 or 3 %. Oftentimes, an intelligent, talented and energetic person starts to earn a lot of money, they gain influence and think they are ruling the world. They start new businesses, are successful in any business venture and at some point, without even being aware of it, they start feeling superior to others. It seems that it's not important. Judging only the outside part, this person acts correctly, they obey the law society imposed upon him and others. Everything is great for a while. Then, at some point, this person starts having unpleasant moments and troubles, out of the blue. There is an expression that says: a misfortune never comes alone. If there is a misfortune coming into your life, expect another soon. What does this thing mean ? Why did people notice that if they have to deal with one misfortune, there are usually others coming soon after ? Not long ago, the American prosecuters arrested a known Russian business man named Oleg Tinkov. Later, it was found out, that he also had leukemia. Therefore, both the health and destiny problems came at the same time. Why ? When I started my research, I noticed an interesting fact: when I was acting on the karmic field structures, not only the individual's health was changing, but also their destiny and character. Every time I was examining a new patient, I was convinced that notions like character, destiny and health are related and influence one another, that there all formed from the same subtle vital energy. So, a person can improve their wealth, but at the same time, their character may be damaged, if this person will use all their energy and power only to obtain wealth. If this person will use all their energy and power only to obtain health, they can have problems in the wealth department. If a person is harmoniously developed, then everything will be all right in all the aspects of their life, but if they start behaving incorrectly, to go against the divine laws, then they will start losing their energy. [..] First they lose the subtle energy of the future, which means problems with their descendents. Later, the short term energy is lost, so the inconveniences and misfortunes will come. After this, the remaining energy will be less and less, so the health problems will start. If the person doesn't change, they will then die. The conclusion is that when we start having inconveniences and misfortunes, we could run to the doctor, because health problems will soon come, but this course of action will not help us much. What we must do is think about the state of our own soul. And even more importantly, before we start having inconveniences and misfortunes, we must evaluate our own life, not through how much money we have, our success or position in society, our wealth and stability in life, but by judging the quality of our character and our inner feelings. If we find ourselves despising others (or ourselves), if we judge others or feel superior to them, if we become sad or depressed, if we get upset, then we already are sick, but we don't know it yet. Every disease starts in the soul and the soul, I want to state it one more time, leads any one in a proportion of 95 to 97 %. This is why we first plant the seeds (our emotions and actions) and they later germinate into our destiny, our character and our health. It is written in the bible that there will be many plagues and earthquakes, but it is also written that because of the growing number of sins, many people will lose the love from their souls. So, losing the love from our souls is a direct consequence of worshiping various life aspects and this leads to the fact that not just one person, but an entire civilization, starts having health problems, environmental problems and problems related to their destiny. And we must start our understanding and work not from the material aspects of life, even though these aspects are also important, but from the soul, which is essential and primordial. We need proper faith, love and morality. If we are not going to understand this and we will try to solve the problem at the material level only, this method will not be very effective. I think everybody should read the bible (again) to understand that everything starts from the soul and, before anything else, we must take care of our soul.

S N Lazarev-
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