It has been shown that it is enough for one to change their worldview, to feel how real the feeling of love for God is, how illusory and inessential everything else is and then, immediately, not only their character, health, and fate begin to change, but also the people around them and the world around them change too. It never occurred to me that in this way not only one man could be saved, but a group of people and even a city, a people, or an entire country. But the further I went, the clearer I realized how important a correct worldview and the effort of self-improvement are for the healing and salvation of both one man and large groups of people.

At the time, it was hard to imagine that the greatest force in the universe was love. And even though I still didn't understand many of these forces , I could already navigate the world around me. One of the gaps in my research was the Indian and Chinese philosophy. Why do you have to give up all your desires to be happy? Why does Indian philosophy considers the world as an illusion? Why is human thinking declared the main enemy, when it is precisely evolved consciousness that makes man truly human? Let's say I could somehow explain these things to myself, but my system couldn't explain them. My studies lacked notions such as: "life", "desire", "human consciousness". I did not know if they would appear, I understood that all human values ​​must be concentrated in one group, but I could not do that. So there were two clear and well-defined notions: "jealousy" and "pride." There is an understanding of how they can be defeated and the diseases they cause can be removed.

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