The spiritual causes of diseases and the CoVid-19 pandemic situation of 2020.

The crisis the world is facing at the moment is a result of our own character and behavior. Why did humanity get to this point? Because the interests of the body were put above the interests of the soul. And when the soul is pushed below the red line, it activates drastic mechanisms to rebalance the fields. All the constraints we experience, all the limitations of freedom and many other drastic measures that will follow in the future are nothing but the divine mechanisms of coercion to help us return to what is most important: our soul and connection with the Creator. Even harder times will follow in the future, if humanity does not voluntarily change its order of priorities and character.

Humanity's only chance to avoid future dangers is to work with itself, to straighten its character, to change its behavior, to change its worldview. The root of all sins and all diseases is excessive pride and exacerbated pride prevents anyone from healthy thinking and understanding the interconnectedness of the events that take place with themselves. That is why it is difficult for a person to determine the manifestations of pride within themselves and to understand what is still the main cause of their diseases and other negative events in life.

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