The central theme of Mr. Lazarev's system is CHANGE. Many people read his books, find the information, but do not change anything. Why? Because for CHANGE to occur, one needs ENERGY. This energy is equivalent to the amount of LOVE one has in their soul. When does the energy decrease? Every time we give up love, when we kill love. And when do we do that? In every life situation in which we give up love for justice, for pleasures, for human needs. What does this lead to? It leads to ruining of all life situations, to the loss of health, to the disintegration of destiny and the loss of descendants. Love is the one thing that charges our subtle bodies with energy, the one thing that ensures our health and feeds our life situations, it ensures that we have descendants and that they do well. Every time we give up love, we lose energy. What we don't realize is that we give up love DAILY. In almost every situation of life we ​​kill love and do so without even realizing it. Why do we do this? Because PRIDE prevents us from thinking properly, from having a proper worldview and from acting properly.

PRIDE is also one of the central themes of Mr. Lazarev's work. It is the root of all human sins, all diseases and all troubles. It is a silent killer, like cancer, it pervades our field structures and chains our being to the point where it completely takes over us and leads our lives to disaster. When we realize that we are suffering from Pride, in the happy case that we realize it, it may already be too late. It is possible that incurable diseases have already crept into our physical structure, it is possible that our families are already ruined or that our descendants can no longer appear in the world. Destiny gives us signs, gives us chances to correct ourselves until it is too late, but how few of us manage to read these signs of destiny "correctly"? Because those whom Pride possesses do not think they are wrong, they do not think they should change anything.

Therefore, we recommend to all those who are part of the author's community to make a self-diagnosis (an x-ray of their own life) to indicate their degree of pride. If you feel happy, fulfilled, reconciled with your own destiny, if you feel joy and harmony inside, if you feel at ease and light hearted in everything you do, if you feel inspired, if you have energy, if you treat unpleasant situations with humor, if things go well for you and everything is easily connected, it means that you have a lot of love in your soul and a little pride. It means that you have a correct vision of the world, that the order of priorities in your life is correct, it means that you will have a harmonious destiny and healthy offspring/s.

If, instead, you feel unhappy, lacking in energy, if you are sick, if you feel unfulfilled, if you do not feel inspired, if nothing works in your life, if relationships fall apart, family falls apart, if you have tense relationships with those nearby, if things don't go well for you, if you are in trouble or have bad luck, if you innerly feel sadness, depression or revolt , if you have the feeling of being wronged by life or even by other people, if your projects don't work out, if unpleasant situations in your life persist, if things go from bad to worse, all of these things mean that you have a high dose of pride inside. It can be an inherited pride, which you may not even realize but which is wreaking havoc in your life.

That is why the Bible says that the root of all evil is Pride, because Pride is the devil himself [and refuses to do God’s will]. It is the sin for which the brightest of the Angels fell from his divine nature. Pride closes one's path with God and their whole life falls apart because the one that has inner pride, whether they are aware or not, can no longer keep the divine law and disobedience to divine laws entails appropriate consequences.

S N Lazarev
Translated into English from Romanian. Some text was omitted for clarity, but the entire text in Romanian can be found here on
Versiunea în limba Română a acestui text se poate citi la adresa de mai sus sau [aici].