The most important energy is the energy of the soul. It is activated when one abstains from sex, limits their food intake (fasting), detaches. The more a person eats sweets and any other food, the less they move, the more they are oriented towards consumption and pleasure, the more they receive external energy, then the weaker their (main) vital energy (the subtle one) becomes and later this person will be having health issues. Hunger heals one’s body because it heals one’s soul.

The moment one is hungry, their soul detaches itself from all earthly things, it opens itself to the Divine and then a new, pure energy comes into the said soul. If a person does not worship sex, food and other pleasures, if they discipline themselves and pray periodically, their soul is purified. For this reason, proper nutrition, exercise, hardening, abstinence and regular fasting are beneficial, primarily for the soul and, precisely for this reason, all these are also beneficial for the body.

First, one loses their connection to God. We receive the greatest happiness, the greatest pleasure through unity with the Creator. When we lose the feeling of unity with God, there is a need to somehow fill the inadequacy of this happiness. Because of this, we begin to worship the physical and spiritual pleasures. Pleasure attaches one to life, to all aspects of existence. And, as my research shows, attachment gives birth to aggression. Both aggression and distortions of character are consequences of worldly attachments. The more one worships their own animalistic instincts, desires, sex, food, work, [relationships with] loved ones, the more aggressive their soul becomes and the more their character is distorted. Both aggression and distortions of character are consequences of worldly attachments. If a person cannot control their own desires and needs in order to save their soul, if they are not restrained in terms of sex, in terms of food or in their work, then such a person is essentially sick. Unrestrained eating and sexuality create future problems not only for the said individual, but also for their future children and grandchildren.

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