How to read SN Lazarev's books correctly or listen to his talks ?

The author himself answers.

Lately, I receive many letters from people who are just beginning to know about my research: from those who are seriously ill, from those who have a troubled destiny, from those who are followed by annoyances and misfortunes. People ask me for help and I am usually asked two questions: "Why do I have to live through all of this ?" and “What should I do ?”. These letters are quite difficult to read because, in fact, there is a tragedy in every one of them and, unfortunately, a total lack of understanding of the situation created.

A woman listed her misfortunes and problems on a few pages of her letter to me, misfortunes and problems that had been following her since childhood, and at the end she wrote: “I read some of your books. Help me! "

I answered her with the following lines: "Some books... that’s not bad at all. But you have to read all the books carefully to really change the situation and, above all, do not read them like a police novel or literature, but deepen them, understand them and accept them with your heart. And after reading the books, you have to change yourself. "

I would like to emphasize this once again, I do not deal with treating people, I help them heal: my information, books and seminars help them. The willingness of one to change ( to change their conception about life, for their past, present and future) is very important. If one is not ready to change and expects to be healed without improving their character and world view, then, from my point of view, they have few chances to reach their health goal.

S N Lazarev
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