Many people have the perception that God is punishing themselves and (or) others. The truth is, there are simply divine laws that act in one's life as well as the physical laws of the material world. Also, judging from the psychological point of view and from the perspective of human logic, it is perfectly natural and normal for one to have negative feelings when faced with an ugly situation. But one lives in two regimes: human and divine. From the perspective of the soul, which is of divine origin, any experience that is the opposite of joy and love - the attributes of the divine - at the level of the soul, shows that it is an aggression against the divine. Why? Because the one who gets angry, hates, saddens, judges, envies, despairs, becomes furious, has pretenses, etc. cannot see and accept that in ABSOLUTELY every life situation there is God. Because the soul works according to some laws just like the physical world. According to these laws, any imbalance (which occurs when man violates divine prowess - the 10 biblical commandments) at the soul level becomes destructive programs that become diseases or troubles by virtue of the fact that everything that exists has an energy field structure and God controls everything through these field structures - the visible, material and invisible world. In short, all one has to do is to see and accept that God governs absolutely every aspect of their life, because in the Bible it is said that no hair of man's head falls without God's will. The love of God is just this: total and absolute acceptance of the divine will because on a subtle, soul level, there is no good or bad! This is, of course, difficult for an unbeliever to understand, who cannot relate to a primary Cause of all things, and conceives the world only through the prism of reason and matter. But even for the believer it is difficult to accept suffering, loss or failure. And this is difficult when one, whether or not one is a believer, has a strong attachment to human existence. And if one has this human attachment, then one will become upset, angry, jealous, possessive, sad, depressed, envious, judgemental, hateful, will not be able to forgive, have claims or dissatisfaction if they have no control over a situation or if they lose something or someone. One must feel that none of this existence is eternal, except God. [Life on this planet has no eternal future]. And only if one manages to feel this at a deep, subconscious level, then any kind of loss or failure will not produce such negative feelings. But for someone to get to feel this way, it requires a deep awareness and a conscious decision to work with themselves in the long term to change their feelings and way of thinking. And this can only happen if a person begins to identify more with his soul and less with his mind, that is, with his egotistical part. Because pride (the human self) is what gives us the perception of losses, deficiencies, failures and sufferings. Not the soul that is part of God.

This is in short what you can conclude if you manage to go through the 40 plus books of SN Lazarev published in the last 25 years or videos available either in DVD format or on youtube in which he explains all this in detail.

S N Lazarev
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