Why do we get sick?

Our (super)consciousness, our divine side, our inner God sends us a message to draw our attention to the fact that in our actions, words and thoughts there is something that goes against the law of love. That is why it is necessary to capture the message and thank our superconsciousness for sending it to us. If we fail to decipher the message, our illnesses and accidents will only intensify.

When the malaise persists, it's time to see what it's all about. If the disease is severe, it means that it has been installed in ourselves for a long time. It is our own soul that is crying out for help. We have to get back on the right path, on the path of love.

Every illness, ailment or accident is just a signal. The disease ceases as soon as one understands the message. The more one desires to change, the sooner and easier their recovery takes place.

Diseases are with the thousands, and the cause is one: insufficient love of God. As soon as we stop longing for the Divine, we immerse ourselves in the human (animalistic) way and begin to depend on it, that is, on life, sexual delight, food, desires, and conscience. The more we depend on them, the greater the illness.

All these diseases can be solved in one way: to accept the loss of the human being, to see in this the divine will and to understand that without illness, there is no spiritual development. The disease is a red light that warns us that we are on the wrong path.

If years in a row one does stupid things and keep repeating the mistakes, there comes a time of payment for the illness that one has created for themself. In fact, the disease is due to the loss of the divine in us and healing is the result of the restoration of this connection. One basically heals their body if one heals their soul.

We humans are made up of three components: body, soul and spirit, like the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; any imbalance of one of the three structures brings us suffering.

Illness and feeling bad are the opposite of health and well-being and manifest in one’s reality because of their own fault. One cannot be ill without causing their own illness at a certain level and one can become well again in a moment, simply by deciding it.

People who do not believe in God are more exposed to disease due to their immunity coefficient, which is very low. Therefore, faithful people are healthier mentally and physically than those who do not have faith. The way to healing is the way to God.

All diseases are self created. Even doctors are now realizing how people get sick. People with a heightened inner pride attract disease and misery.

The disease forces us to change ourselves inward, to transform ourselves, to accumulate love for God. The stronger one changes innerly in the right direction, the less medication one needs and the faster they can overcome the disease.

Diseases always appear in the energy field, many years before they get to manifest themselves in the physical plane. The energy field is paramount in relation to the body and determines its fate, character and physical condition. The body must block the destructive programs that have entered the human field. The more powerful and dangerous the destructive program is, the more efficient and effective its blocking method may be (i.e. the disease).

When one violates the Supreme Laws, they deviate from their path of evolution, their energetic structure is deformed, gaps appear in their defensive system, and they become easy prey for viruses and other pathogens, which fulfill the functions of a punitive program. One begins to be sick. Serious illnesses help to protect the spiritual structure.

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